Wednesday, December 2, 2015


the only class that i am afraid of not doing so well in the finals is bible scriptures

baby tooth

i forgot to mention that my sister was born with a tooth. the doctor told my mom that this was really rare. she looks so weird with it but she is still so cute.


i have grown to really love Baylor i cant what to see what the future has for me
today was the last chapel service i was let down pretty hard. i thought it was going to be way more fun,but i found myself falling alseep.


i woke up in the middle of the night to my roommate standing over me. when i asked if he was ok he just muttered something and went back to bed. i think he was sleep walking. i do not know if i can sleep comfortable anymore.

roommate update

i feel like i have gotten pretty close to most of my roommates i can even feel like i can truly call them friends. at first i was not to certain, but it is all good in the hood now. i just have a problem with one of them Asher.

Finals ;(

man i feel a little anxious about the finals, i know i am going to pass but i just cant shake this feeling. the only thing standing between me and my home is a couple of tests.

cutest baby ever


getting to see my new sister was awesome, she is just so tiny. i think she is already spoiled because she just wants to be held. i don't mind though because the whole time i was there i spent most of it caring her in my arms

its over

i feel so much better after these well deserved break, now it is just two more weeks and i get to go on a even longer break.

the day is here

today is the day i finally get to go home. its has been almost 3 months since i have seen my family face to face. i can not wait. i wonder if everything will still be the same. it is going to be awsome to see my friends again

Its cold

being from southern Texas doesn't help me one bit when dealing with the cold. my body has become used to hot weather,but i am a little girl when it come to the cold. i have to layer up if i want to survive.

school life

i have gotten used to the routine now i wake up go to class go back do some work eat and sleep. i sometimes feel like a mindless robot.


my love

i have fallen in love. with a TV character i just cant explain she is gorgeous her name is patter she appears in the flash. she might be dating Barry, but i know we are meant to be


Flash and the Arrow

omg i cant even explain how hooked i am o these shows. at first i was a little skeptical, but know i am hooked. it is all the fault of my roommate who induced me to the series. i started with the flash and then i jumped over to the arrow

cant wait

i have been counting the days until i go home, it is so close yet so far
my baby sister was just born it sucks that i cant meet her yet i am going to have to wait until thanks giving break.

dorm life

my dorm